About the Parish Council
Who makes up the Parish Council?
Parish councillors are not paid but are required to conform to a code of conduct and declare any conflict of interest.
Parish Councillors:
The parish councillors will serve a five-year term. The present council’s term last until May 2027.
List of Councillors
Julian Sleath (Chairman)
Wayne Harding (Vice Chairman)
Neil Bates
Karen Dunwoodie
Harriet Maddock
Sophie Lemal
Wendy Robinson
As a requirement of the Localism Act 2011, all Parish Council Members are required to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, by completing a declaration of interests form.
Copies of the Declaration of Interest forms for new Councillors and re-elected Chairman in 2023/2024 are attached
Declaration of Interests Julian Sleath 24.07.24
Declaration of Interests Wayne Harding
Declaration of Interests Neil Bates
Declaration of Interests Wendy Robinson
Declaration of Interests Sophie Lemal
Declaration of Interests Harriet Maddock
Declaration of Interests K Dunwoodie1, 2, 3, 4, 5
How is the council elected?
North Yorkshire Council posts notices seeking nominations. Nominees need to be at least 18 yrs old and on the electoral roll, they also require a proposer and a seconder who are also on this roll. If there are more than seven nominations an election is held. If seven or less nominations are received all those nominated are appointed. The Parish Council has the power to co-opt to fill a vacancy if required.
How is funding obtained?
Basic budget comes via North Yorkshire Council from a precept on our Council Tax which the Parish Council sets every year. In addition the Parish Council can apply for specific grants and receive donations from fund raising activities.
How do I raise an issue with the Parish Council?
Councillors are around the village and are happy to listen to anyone who wishes to raise a point. Formal contact can be made by:
- Writing to the clerk – Julie Sleath, Inglenook Barn, Gisburn Road, Hellifield, BD23 4LA
- E-mail the clerk – hellifieldpc@gmail.com
- Use the contact form to contact the council
- Telephone the clerk - 07736 079135
- E-mail the chairman – jsleath@hellifieldparishcouncil.org.uk
- Attending the bi-monthly Parish Council meetings. The first part of each meeting is for any member of the public to ask a question, raise a concern or seek council views or action, although they may not participate in the formal discussions without the chairman’s permission.
How do I complain to the Parish Council?
- Makes representation and comments on behalf of individual Villagers and the Parish Council to NYC and other responsible bodies on matters affecting the village.
- Supports planting and the management of the playgrounds and some open spaces in the village
- Hellifield Parish Council is a consultee on all Hellifield area planning applications, but it is not the planning authority. Planning rests with NYC
- Supports the Christmas lights.
- If you come to us with any matter that is not our direct responsibility we will still do our best to help and support you.
Is there anything I can do to help?
- Let us know of anything we are responsible for that needs attention – we may have missed it
- Let us know your concerns over issues which NYC or anyone else eg Network Rail are responsible for and support our potential actions by contacting them directly.
- Let us have any ideas you have which we may be able to use for the whole village to benefit from.
Hellifield Parish Council