Groups and Activities
Football - Hellifield Sports FC play Saturday games in the 2nd Division of the Craven & District League.Hellifield Sports FC Facebook Page Contact: James Webb 01729 850316 / 07772492659.
Badminton (Institute) Tuesday 7.00pm to 9.00pm contact Bob Moore 01729 851660
Table Tennis - (Institite) Monday 7.00pm to 9.30pm contact John Flitcroft 01729 851358
Indoor bowls -(Institute) Thursday 10.00am to 12noon contact John Flitcroft 01729 851358
Hellifield Walking group - Third Sunday of the month 1.00pm start contact Paul Emsley 01729 851659
Book Group (Social Club)- Second Thursday each month 8.00pm contact Yvonne Crabtree 01729 851806
North Craven Flower Club (Institute) contact Frances Sample 01729 822558